[Tutor] plotting in python

Andreas Perstinger andreas.perstinger at gmx.net
Thu Dec 1 12:39:09 CET 2011

[Still top-posting :-( ]

On 2011-12-01 11:13, stm atoc wrote:
> Well, I did also change the line in the python script to this:
> plot(Conc[0],z,'r-',label='initial')
> plot(Conc[1],z,'b-',label='after 20s')
> to see both Conc[0] and [1].

And did it work?

> I will send the output data attaches to this email  ("ourtest_out.list").
> I wonder if this way is fine.

I'm not sure about the policy regarding attachements on this list but I 
think it would have been better to provide a link than attach it.

Anyways, I've reduced your original script, did a test run and it works 
as expected (at least it shows a plot):

import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

with open("ourtest_out.list", "r") as f:
     z = numpy.array([float(v) for v in f.readline().split()[1:]])

a = numpy.loadtxt("ourtest_out.list", skiprows=3)
N = 100
Conc = a[1:, N+1:]

print len(Conc[0]) == len(z)

pyplot.plot(Conc[0], z)

Do you still get an error?

Bye, Andreas

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