[Tutor] unexpected list entry

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Fri Dec 2 17:06:27 CET 2011

(You top-posted.  Put your remarks AFTER whatever you quote from earlier 

On 12/02/2011 10:47 AM, surya k wrote:
> Thanks for the information about unicode.
> Actually, I am using python 2.7 in Windows XP.
> IDE: PyScripter.
> So, I run the same code in IDLE (Python 2.7).. Its working. It isn't
> showing the list in unicode format!

Nothing to do with list.  Reread my remarks.  The string is apparently 
unicode, presumably from the raw_input() call.  The IDE must be changing 
the type of stdin to make it unicode.

Did you try     print repr(name1)   ?  I'll bet that's also a unicode 

And you tried it in another IDE, IDLE.  But the key question is how it 
behaves in raw Windows, from a command prompt.  The user of your code is 
unlikely to set up your particular IDE to run something you've written.

As for an IDE, the only free one I use is emacs.  I've heard good things 
about pywin  (or something like that), a free IDE that comes with the 
free ActiveState python.  The Active State python also includes some 
extensions specifically for Windows, and to make it easier to use 
Windows dll's and com objects.  I used to use the ActiveState stuff when 
I used Windows.

The following material is out of order, but I left it in anyway, for 
some context.
> I've used PyScripter many times before and worked on lists.. but I never
> faced any problem like this
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Dave Angel" <d at davea.name>
> Sent: Friday, December 02, 2011 7:43 PM
> To: "surya k" <suryak at live.com>
> Cc: "Python Tutor" <tutor at python.org>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] unexpected list entry
>> On 12/02/2011 08:49 AM, surya k wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just take a look at this small code.. I am just taking a string as
>>> input and assigning it as a list.
>>> But I am finding an unexpected entry in the list.. Why this is
>>> happening?
>>> I am using PyScripter IDE.
>>> code :
>>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>>> def main():
>>> pass
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>> main()
>>> print "Flames: "
>>> name1 = raw_input('enter name 1')
>>> ListName1 = list(name1)
>>> print name1
>>> print ListName1
>>> Output:
>>> Flames:
>>> foo
>>> [u'f', u'o', u'o']
>>> Observe the last line.. it isn't showing [ 'f', 'o', 'o']
>>> Why is that "u" coming in the middle from no where ??
>> The u"" notation just says it's a unicode string. No more confusing
>> than the [] meaning it's a list. Neither is the content of the object,
>> just showing you textually what the type is. You should also print
>> repr(name1) to see if it is likewise a unicode string. I presume it's
>> already unicode when returned by raw_input().
>> My puzzle is how you got unicode strings, if you've shown your entire
>> program. In Python3, all strings are unicode, so it wouldn't bother to
>> say so. Besides, your code has a syntax error in it, if it's supposed
>> to be Python 3.x
>> You probably need to identify your particular version of Python, and
>> the platform (OS) you're running it on.
>> But it could be affected by your IDE (Pyscripter), or by a site.py or
>> other implicitly loaded module.
>> You can check for the former by running the script from a command shell.
>> --
>> DaveA



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