[Tutor] unexpected list entry

Walter Prins wprins at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 17:21:43 CET 2011


On 2 December 2011 15:52, surya k <suryak at live.com> wrote:

> One more thing I want to mention..
> I think there is a problem in the IDE itself. I have faced some problems
> with this IDE before... (Not with this)
It may be worth reporting those problems (what were they?), this is after
all an open source project, whatever issues you've seen may just get fixed.

Also, seeing as this unicode issue isn't neccesarily a bug as such from
what I can tell, is it really wise to suddenly decide to switch IDE's on
that basis (even if you had some other issues also?)  Isn't this more a
case that you need to understand what's actually happening rather than run
to (by the sounds of things yet another) Python environment?

Could you please tell me a free python IDE (No Eclipse/ Netbeans)

Well I quite like Eclipse (as far as big heavyweight IDE's go) but you say
No Eclipse unfortunately. "SPE" (Stani's Python Editor) comes to mind,
though I've not used it in a while.  http://sourceforge.net/projects/spe/
But again, should you not rather get to the bottom of your current issue
rather than have a little unicode string issue cause you to change IDE's?

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