[Tutor] where python is used in real world

Rich Lovely roadierich at googlemail.com
Sun Dec 4 22:59:25 CET 2011

On 4 Dec 2011, at 16:36, Modulok wrote:

>>> 2. If one wants to make a commercial software using python, how can he
>>> hide the code?
> While it's a valid question, it's fun to imagine it in the physical world: "We
> need to permanently weld the engine compartment closed so that no one can steal
> our engine ideas."
> -Modulok-
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That's not really a fair analogy: a user can install a patch for an application that's gone wrong without ever seeing any source code.  The same can't be said of engines.

A closer analogy would be Beethoven shredding his scores.
Rich "RoadieRich" Lovely

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