[Tutor] Creating arbitrary numbers of destinations. (GUI program)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Dec 7 00:46:57 CET 2011

On 06/12/11 19:27, Mic wrote:

> I will write on of these Usercases so what I am trying to accomplish is
> understandably.

Thanks, although you actually missed a step somewhere - the bit where 
the user selects how many chairs... But ignoring that...
Where do we select how many destinations you want?
If we stick to 3 for now:

> 1.User starts program.
> 2.User choose destination1.
> 3. window with chairs appear.
> ....  selects chairs
> 7. He can choose another destination, which repats step 2-6.

OK, So the real question is how to create three buttons each of which 
can launch a window to select chairs. But this is just the same as your 
chairs window. You just create buttons and link them to a function which 
opens the chair window.

And if you do want more buttons you just do exactly what you did with 
the chairs...

> I really hope I made my intentions clearer now. Tell me if it is still
> unclear or confusing!

Clearer, although there are still some bits missing - like how the user 
selects the number of destinations/chairs.

I'll take a look at the code you posted and follow up on that in a 
separate post.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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