[Tutor] (no subject)
lina.lastname at gmail.com
Sun Dec 11 18:04:15 CET 2011
On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 1:49 PM, Aswin Shan <as.winshan at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I need help in creating a GUI for my python code to program a Hangman. I
> have programmed a working code of Hangman, but I need to make it to a proper
> program with GUI. please help.
> The code is given below:
> import random;
> import time;
> correct_guesses = ['-', ' ']
> guessed_letters = []
> def Input_Error(input):
> if input.isdigit() == True:
> print "Input Error. \nIt's Hangman. Your secret word only
> includes letters. "
> while input.isdigit() == False:
> input = raw_input('Guess a letter: ')
> if len(input)>1:
> print 'Only enter one guess at a time'
> def Get_Random_Word():
> global word
> word_list = []
> for line in open('dictionary.txt'):
> word_list=line.split()
> wordno=random.randint(0, len(word_list) -1)
> word= word_list[wordno]
> print word
> return word
> def displayBoard():
> display = []
> i = 0
> while i < len(word):
> if word[i] in correct_guesses:
> display.append(word[i])
> if word[i] not in correct_guesses:
> display.append('_ ')
> i +=1
> for w in display:
> print w,
> def play():
> global player_guess
> global guess
> player_guess = (raw_input('\nGuess a letter: ')).lower()
> Input_Error(player_guess)
> guess = 0
> while guess < 9:
> print guess
> if player_guess.lower() in guessed_letters:
> print "You have guessed this letter already"
> elif player_guess in word:
> guessed_letters.append(player_guess)
> correct_guesses.append(player_guess)
> elif player_guess not in word and player_guess.isdigit()== False:
> guessed_letters.append(player_guess)
> print 'wrong'
> guess += 1
> if len(correct_guesses)-2 == len(word):
> print word
> print 'Congratulation, you guessed the word correctly in',
> guess, 'guesses.'
> break
> if guess == 8:
> break
> displayBoard()
> player_guess = (raw_input('\nGuess another letter: ')).lower()
> Input_Error(player_guess)
> def Welcome():
> print """ | | | | /\ | ___ \ / _____) ___ \ /\ |
> ___ \
> | |__ | | / \ | | | | / ___| | _ | | / \ | | | |
> | __)| |/ /\ \| | | | | (___) || || |/ /\ \| | | |
> | | | | |__| | | | | \____/| || || | |__| | | | |
> |_| |_|______|_| |_|\_____/|_||_||_|______|_| |_|
> Welcome to Hangman v1.0
> Rules:
> 1. You will have 8 chances to guess the letters correctly.
> 2. For each wrong guess one chance will be decremented.
> 3. If you guess the same word again, the chances will not be decremented.
> Good luck."""
> print "Generating your secret word..."
> time.sleep(3)
> Welcome()
> Get_Random_Word()
> displayBoard()
> play()
> I also find trouble with the some hangman pic which I have provided below. I
> shows a EOL Error.
> def Answer_Feedback(w_count):
> if w_count==1:
> print """
> +---+
> | |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> =========
> Wrong! """
> elif w_count == 2:
> print """
> +---+
> | |
> O |
> |
> |
> |
> =========
> Wrong! """
> elif w_count == 3:
> print """
> +---+
> | |
> O |
> | |
> |
> |
> =========
> Wrong! """
> elif w_count == 4:
> print """
> +---+
> | |
> O |
> /| |
> |
> |
> =========
> Wrong! """
> elif w_count == 5:
> print """
> +---+
> | |
> O |
> /| |
> |
> |
> =========
> Wrong!""""
Here you used 4-"
> elif w_count == 6:
> print """
> +---+
> | |
> O |
> /|\ |
> |
> |
> =========
> Wrong!"""
> elif w_count == 7:
> print """
> +---+
> | |
> O |
> /|\ |
> / |
> |
> =========
> Wrong! """
> elif w_count == 8:
> print """
> _______
> | |
> | O
> | ^-|-^
> | |
> | |
> _|__ / \
> You lost!!! """
> Thank you thanks for the help.
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