[Tutor] (no subject)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Dec 12 01:56:02 CET 2011

On 11/12/11 22:30, shawn taylor wrote:
> How do I do this

Read the assignment, it tells you exacvtly what you need to do.
Now which bit of it do you not understand?

Can you do step 1 - read the name, id and birthday?

Can you generate the user name?

As a hint you might want to write some helper functions to:


> Password Generator
> For this assignment, you will generate usernames and passwords for your
> school. The passwords have to be secure and based on information
> provided by the parents at registration.
> 1) Write a program that will prompt the user for
> FirstName LastName IDNumber BirthDay
> 2) generate the student’s username and password.
> 3) Test to see if the password and username works.
> The username is fairly straightforward it is composed of the student’s
> initials follow by the idnumber
> Username = <First letter of firstname> + <first letter of lastname> +
> <idnumber>
> The password is much more difficult.
> Step 1 – pick the middle letter of the student’s first name.
> Step 2 – pick the middle letter of the student’s last name.
> Step 3 – Add all the digits in the student’s birthday. Keep adding until
> you get a single digit.

This is a bit confusing since I always get a single digit
at the first digit?
And if the student was born  on the 9/9/1999 the total is
more than one digit. So should we then sum the digits of
the total?
9/9/1999 -> 46 -> 10 -> 1?

It's a badly worded requirement.

> Step 4 – Add all the digits in the student’s idNumber. Keep adding until
> you get a single digit.

Same problem here

> Step 5 – Multiply the month * day * year and divide by 17.
> Step 6 – Multiply the first 2 digits of the idNumber by the last 3
> digits of the idNumber / 7
> Step 7 – Multiply Step 5 by Step6
> Step 8 – Combine into a password
> Password = Concatenate (<Step1> + <step3> + <Step4>+<Step7 > + <Step2>)

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Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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