[Tutor] A few Python Mysteries
Wayne Watson
sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 20 02:39:42 CET 2011
On 12/19/2011 3:19 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Wayne Watson wrote:
>> Win 7, 64-bit
>> I had Py 2.5 installed on my PC earlier this year, and it began
>> failing around June. I finally uninstalled it, and tried 2.6. Still
>> had problems that centered around getting to IDLE. Uninstalled 2.6,
>> and went to 2.7. Same problem. I completely uninstalled 2.7. I do
>> have several folders of py programs. No Python.
> Programs should not just "begin failing" unless somebody (you?) or
> something (a virus, another program?) mess with them. Especially not
> something as simple and stable as Python.
> Who installed Python 2.5 in the first place? If it was provided with
> your computer, then it was
I did. It worked for months.
> provided for a reason. Python is not a standard part Windows, but a
> number of PC manufacturers provide Python 2.5 to run their tools, and
> by removing it, you have broken whatever it is that the manufacturer
> tools are supposed to be doing. Installing Python 2.6 or 2.7 will
> probably not work as a replacement.
> If you installed Python 2.5 yourself, then it doesn't matter.
> However, my guess is that Python 2.5 was installed by the
> manufacturer, and my evidence for this is the error messages that you
> now see at boot up:
>> After that episode, I began to notice the following messages when I
>> signed on to my PC after a boot. I do not bring my PC down very often.
>> Specified module could not be found: Loadlib python.dll failed, and
>> another of the same for Python25.dll failed (maybe not found). I did
>> a search for both, but neither were found.
> Of course they're not found. You uninstalled them.
I would expect so, but why did it complain specifically about them and
not others? See PATH comment below.
> My first advice: re-install Python 2.5. If you have a recovery disk
> supplied by the manufacturer, try using that. Make sure you install a
> 64-bit version of Python, not 32-bit.
I really no longer have a need for 2.5, so I thought I might as well go
for something newer, which is basically what I'm doing, since 2.5 wasn't
> Then do the same with Python 2.7. Make sure it is the 64-bit version.
> Then check that you still have BOTH Python 2.5 and 2.7 installed: look
> in the start menu, and you should see two entries for Python.
Whoops. Python 2.7.2 is on the menu and was installed 12/18. I thought I
uninstalled it last night. It is the 64-bit version. It's beginning to
look like the PATH is the problem, since I found Python25 at the end of
the PATH variable, as noted to James above.
>> I ignored this inconvenience for a few weeks, and had developed a
>> need to copy a particular python program on Win 7 to another
>> computer. Call it abc.py. I copied it to a thumb drive, and plugged
>> the drive into the other PC, which has Python on it. abc.py was
>> missing from the drive. I tried this about three times, and even
>> went to yet another PC. No abc.py.
> This has *nothing* to do with Python. To Windows, abc.py is just
> another file, like abc.txt or abc.jpg or abc.doc. If copying files to
> a thumb drive is failing (other than by human error, or faulty thumb
> drive), then you have deeper problems with your Windows installation
> than just missing Python.
> But I suspect either human error or a faulty thumb drive. Since I
> don't use Windows 7, and did not see how you tried to copy the file to
> the thumb drive, I can't be sure, but if something as fundamental as
> copying files was failing, then I would expect your Windows machine to
> be crashing constantly. So more likely the thumb drive is failing, or
> human error.
> Can you copy *other* files from the Windows 7 machine onto the thumb
> drive, and then from there to the second computer?
No problem at all copying any other files to the thumb drive. After I
get out of this quandary with PATH, and get 2.7.2 working, I'll try to
recreate the problem.
Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
(121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site: 39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet
CE 1955 October 20 07:53:32.6 UT
-- "The Date" The mystery unfolds.
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