[Tutor] Python challenge and decryption

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Wed Dec 21 13:43:52 CET 2011

On 12/21/2011 06:39 AM, Joaquim Santos wrote:
> Hi List!
> Thanks for all the input you guys gave me!
> I'm trying to implement your ideas on the function and I've been getting
> some parts right (the correct translation, still vertical and without
> spaces) or the wrong translation but with spaces... My problem is my range
> check. I'm also getting a funny problem with return, but I'll ask about it
> later.
> What I would like to know now, because it would help me a lot to draw my
> solution(I like to make sketches/line numbers while I'm thinking) was where
> to get the ascii table for Python! I searched and got a lot of modules and
> stuff to install and print it out but no printed online version? You can
> find for other languages, so where is the one for Python?
> I know I could install the said modules/scripts but I just think this
> should also be somewhere...
ASCII predated Python by some 40 years.  So any reference that is 
accurate would do.  But you can make your own table quite trivially with 
a simple loop:

for ordinal in range(ord(" "), 128):
     print ordinal, "-", chr(ordinal)

ASCII codes below " " are control codes, such as newline and tab.
ASCII is a 7-bit code, so the highest value is 127.



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