[Tutor] username/password question [was Re: list mail formatting]

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Dec 22 13:26:18 CET 2011

On 22/12/11 11:06, prakash singh wrote:
> i am  asking a code how to fill the column of username and password
> with letters and press enter after that anyone who can help me on that
> thanks for the replies ,please provide me so that i can automate the
> rest part of the router gui

Please do not hijack a thread by just replying to an existing email.
This conceals your message on threaded mail/news readers and makes it 
less likely you will get a reply.
It is also confusing for readers trying to sesarch the archives in the 

Always start a new subject with a new message. And change the subject 
line to reflect the true subject.

Now, as to your question can you give us a bit more context?
What column of username/password? What kind of GUI?
Is this web based or desktop based?

Are you trying to screen-scrape an existing GUI or are you trying to 
create a new GUI?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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