[Tutor] Ideas and good examples

David Goering dgoering at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 20:24:24 CET 2011

this is my first message here... and come to think of it my first 
Message in a Mailing List what so ever. So a moment of epic historical 
importance :)
Anyway I decided I wanted to learn Python as I didn't really know any 
scripting language yet and I have heard great things about Python.
I already have some experience in Java and minor experience in C 
languages... so I think I will pick up on the syntax pretty quickly 
(just have to get used to not using braces and indent my code correctly :D )
Anyhow my programming knowledge is based off classes and less off of 
practically using them a lot... So I have implemented various algorithms 
etc. but haven't written many full programs from beginning to end.
And that is basically my question / problem. I don't have many good 
ideas and I don't really have a lot of experience with going from an 
idea to a full scale program.
So I guess I have two questions:
1) Does anyone have ideas for small - mid ranged projects where I could 
quickly pick up on the pitfalls of Python but that is also useful in 
some way ? I had a small idea where I could write a program to sync two 
folders mp3 files based on filename and ID3 Tags with a GUI to control 
it, but would love to hear other ideas.
2) Is there some tutorial out there that really leads you from scratch 
to a full blown program (with GUI or Database connection or whatever) 
with Code documentation etc. just to see how one could approach it
Anyway, I have already learned a lot from leeching off the mailing list, 
so thanks for that.
Greetings from Germany,

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