[Tutor] list of strings

Hugo Arts hugo.yoshi at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 00:21:46 CET 2011

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 11:56 PM, Shawn Matlock <matlocs at odscompanies.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I’m doing something wrong.
> This prints a list of data source names:
>     # List all data sources
>     dataSourceList = AdminConfig.list('DataSource') # .split(ls)
>     if verbose == 'True':
>         print 'DEBUG Data Source List: '
>         print dataSourceList


> I expected this to print each data source name in the list. Instead, it is
> printing each character:
>     # Modify the data sources so that the aged timeout is set correctly.
>     for dataSource in dataSourceList:
>         print 'DataSource: %s' % dataSource
>         time.sleep(5)
> DataSource: "
> DataSource: F
> DataSource: a
> DataSource: c
> DataSource: e

First off, please use plain text formatting when sending emails to
this list. I like fancy colors as much as the next guy, but html
emails screw up my replies like there's no tomorrow, making me spend
extra work to format everything correctly.

The problem is that dataSourceList is not, as the name implies, a
list, but a string. Iterating over strings happens on a character
basis. If you re-add the .split() that was commented out, you should
get a list. The split method splits the string at the specified
character. To split the string on newlines you can do split('\n') on
linux or split('\r\n') on windows.


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