[Tutor] SMS to URL

Rance Hall ranceh at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 20:52:47 CET 2011

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 4:08 AM, Dipo Elegbede <delegbede at dudupay.com> wrote:
> Hi peeps,
> I am trying to write a code such that i can send an sms to a specific url
> from my phone and get a reply back from the url.
> I want the reply to be the content of the url I send to; what modules would
> you advice.
> I am testing with the url: http://www.dipoelegbede.com/msg.txt.
> I have succeeded in writing a code that fetches the content of the page
> using urllib and urllib2 but i still want a way to have my sms speak to the
> url.
> I will appreciate any help in this direction. Advices or links to
> documentations would be fine.
> Thank You.

I'm not convinced that what you say you want to do is really what you
want to do, so I may be off base here, but as far as I know, you can
not send an SMS message to anything other than a phone number.  Many
cell providers offer email-sms-gateway services so that you can send
an email to the email address that matches your phone, and the phone
company turns the email into an SMS and sends it to your phone for

If your carrier has an emaiil-to-sms gateway then its reasonably
trivial to use urllib and capture a web page and send it to you.  Its
the remote control aspect that you have requested that has me stumped.

A friend of mine runs a phone message service and he has a device
hooked to his network that has an antenna on it that sends sms message
directly on the carrier network.  If you had one of these things
(which I doubt you do) I'm sure you could reverse it and send an sms
message directly to your network.  But the work that would be required
to set this up (not to mention the expense) seems like more trouble
than it is worth.

Sorry I wasn't more help.


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