[Tutor] list of dictionary

Pacific Morrowind pacificmorrowind at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 07:21:43 CET 2011


On 24/02/2011 9:35 PM, sunil tech wrote:
> Hi all...
> i have d=[{'qty':0.0},{'qty':0.0}]
If there isn't some pressing reason to dictionaries as the list items 
(but since I'm not sure how you're generating the list/what you are 
later using the list I can't tell ofc but if applicable to your 
situation I'd suggest just doing for creation of the list
  d = []
(logic for whatever gives your values)
> when all the qty is 0.0,
> i want to perform some print operation
> (only at once, after it checks everything in the list of dictionary 
> 'd')...
> if its not 0.0,
> print some message...
> Thank you in advance
Presuming you do have to use the dictionaries:
qty = 0.0
for item in d:
     for subitem in d:
         if item[subitem] != 0.0:
             qty = item[subitem]
if qty != 0.0:
     print "some message - for example a non zero qty = %f" % qty

(presuming you are using Python 2x - if using python 3x the syntax will 
be slightly different)
Hopefully that will serve your purpose if not just post again and I or 
one of the more frequently posting helpful users here will answer soon.

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