[Tutor] list of dictionary

Pacific Morrowind pacificmorrowind at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 02:38:51 CET 2011

On 25/02/2011 9:44 AM, Patty wrote:
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     *From:* Pacific Morrowind <mailto:pacificmorrowind at gmail.com>
>     *To:* tutor at python.org <mailto:tutor at python.org>
>     *Sent:* Thursday, February 24, 2011 10:21 PM
>     *Subject:* Re: [Tutor] list of dictionary
>     <snip>
>     Presuming you do have to use the dictionaries:
>     qty = 0.0
>     for item in d:
>     Right here - is the variable 'item' created right on the spot to
>     iterate over this list?  And I think you are doing the same thing
>     when you create the variable 'subitem' in the line below, right? 
>     I am  trying to get myself to recognize an iterator variable as
>     opposed to a counter variable I create myself  to keep track of
>     these things (used in other programming languages) - and realizing
>     the difference between counter/iterator variables and variables
>     that I really care about like
>      'd = []' .
>     Thanks!
>     Patty
yes and yes. both item and subitem are created on the spot; anychunk of 
python code like:
for x in y:
will create x as a variable and with each iteration x refers to the next 
item in y;
Of course if I knew the function of the list/dictionary I'd name them 
something more informative than item and subitem - like f.e. for lap in 
d and for time in d if it was refering to races.
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