[Tutor] Running Existing Python

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Feb 27 01:55:51 CET 2011

--This is the location of the file:
>/jwbonnell/bin/Python 2.7/Extras/Demo/tkinter/guido/hello.py
>but it still says it cannot find the directory when I try to run it or cd to it. 
>As an obvious beginner with the shell the easiest way to change folder 
is MacOS is to use the Finder. type cd at the prrompt then locate the 
folder in Finder and drag it to the Terminal window. That should cause 
the Terminal to change to that folder

The other thing to do is to let the shell copmplete the name for you, 
thus type

cd /jwb<tab>

and the shell will complete the first folder for you, then type bi<tab> 
to complete bin and so on. That will ensure the spaces are handled 


Alan G.
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