[Tutor] numpy import failure

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Feb 27 10:10:55 CET 2011

"Ezra Kahn" <ewedub at u.washington.edu> wrote

>I am a total newb, learning to ween myself off of Matlab.  I am 
>working off of EPD6.1, and I cannot get numpy to import.  Python 
>keeps sending me back this:

> ImportError: No module named numpy

Lets start at the beginning.
What OS are you using?
What Python version?
What numpy version?

And are you sure you have installed numpy correctly?
Can you see the numpy installation on your PC?
Where is it located?
Is that location in your sys.path value?

Lets start with those..

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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