[Tutor] Multiples python files

Izz ad-Din Ruhulessin izzaddin.ruhulessin at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 15:20:41 CET 2011

You can only call methods on a class without instantiating it, if it are


2011/2/28 Christopher Brookes <chris.klaitos at gmail.com>

> I don't understand
> @classmethod
>     def DisplayAll(cls, herosAll
> ):
> What is cls ?
> 2011/2/28 Izz ad-Din Ruhulessin <izzaddin.ruhulessin at gmail.com>
>> @classmethod
>>     def DisplayAll(herosAll):
>> is of course:
>> @classmethod
>>     def DisplayAll(cls, herosAll):
>> 2011/2/28 Izz ad-Din Ruhulessin <izzaddin.ruhulessin at gmail.com>
>> Hi, you must pass the herosAll list to the DisplayAll() method like this
>>> class Character():
>>>     @classmethod
>>>     def DisplayAll(herosAll):
>>>          print ('There is', Character.CharacterCount, 'heros')
>>>         for heros in herosAll:
>>>             heros.DisplayCharacterInfos()
>>> herosAll = [
>>>  Character(1,"Antaa","Soldat moins fort",15,5,8),
>>>  Character(2,"Klaitos","Soldat moins fort",15,5,8)]
>>> Character.DisplayAll(herosAll)
>>> 2011/2/28 Christopher Brookes <chris.klaitos at gmail.com>
>>>>  Hi, first sorry for my poor english, i'm a french guy, i'm trying to
>>>> make the best :(
>>>> I would like to split my python script into multiples files.
>>>> I want :
>>>> A file which contains only class creations and methods,
>>>> A file with some personals functions
>>>> And a main.py which is the main script.
>>>> But i'm getting some problems
>>>> In class creation file, i've a init method which create a character  (it
>>>> works).
>>>> They are created in main.py like this :
>>>> herosAll = [
>>>>  Character(1,"Antaa","Soldat moins fort",15,5,8),
>>>>  Character(2,"Klaitos","Soldat moins fort",15,5,8)]
>>>> But when i want to display all information about my character with :
>>>> class Character():
>>>>     def DisplayAll():
>>>>         print ('There is', Character.CharacterCount, 'heros')
>>>>         for heros in herosAll:
>>>>             heros.DisplayCharacterInfos()
>>>> I'm getting :
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File "main.py", line 28, in <module>
>>>>     Character.DisplayAll()
>>>>   File "/home/christopher/class_creation.py", line 53, in DisplayAll
>>>>     for heros in herosAll:
>>>> NameError: global name 'herosAll' is not defined
>>>> I know the source of the problem. The list herosAll is declared in
>>>> main.py so he can't access to it. But i'm stuck here. How can he get it ?
>>>> Have I to append the list in the init method ?
>>>> Thank you for ready.
>>>> --
>>>> Brookes Christopher.
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> --
> Brookes Christopher.
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