[Tutor] Multiples python files

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Feb 28 20:15:19 CET 2011

"Christopher Brookes" <chris.klaitos at gmail.com> wrote

>I don't understand
> @classmethod
>    def DisplayAll(cls, herosAll):
> What is cls ?

This is one of the advanced techniques I referred to a few 
days ago.

Basically the "best"(?) solution to your problem is to store the 
list of characters inside the Character class as what is known 
as a class variable.

Then everytime you create a new Character you can  add it 
to the list by the init method. And when a character is deleted 
you remove it via the del method.

You can then define class methods to read/print the list, 
find out how many characters exist etc.

This is much cleaner than keeping a separate global variable 
since the code for managing characters is all in one place 
with the classs definition. But it does introduce a bunch of 
new syntax features which I didn't think you were ready for 
yet! :-)

One thing you will need to be very careful about as you go 
forward is namespaces. Remember that everytime you 
import a module you need to precede any names in that 
module with the module name. And names inside a class 
need to be preceded by the class name. And names inside 
objects need to be preceded by the object (variable) name.
If the class is inside a module you need to use both module 
and class. Thus if the Character class is defined inside 
character.py you would have something like this 
in main.py:

import character
myObj = character.Character(....)
print myObj.display()
print character.Character.displayAll()


You can simplify it by using the "from m import v" style:

from character import Character
myObj = Character(....)



Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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