[Tutor] Command line scripts

David Hutto smokefloat at gmail.com
Sat Jan 8 13:11:18 CET 2011

This is somewhat of a cross post,but I think it applies here as well.
If I use as command line script, is there any disruption in the
execution of the code using wxpython.

In other words, is a command line app different from bindings in a compiled app?

       @ trace
       def play(self, event = None, text = None):

               if event == None:

                       self.textlist = []
                       for item in text.split(' '):
                       print self.textlist
                       for word in self.textlist:
                               self.espeak =
subprocess.Popen(['espeak', word], stdout =

               if event != None:

                       self.textlist = []
                       for item in self.text2speech.GetValue().split(' '):
                       print self.textlist
                       for word in self.textlist:
                               self.espeak =
subprocess.Popen(['espeak', word], stdout =

Sometimes...my mama...says I get over excited about technology.

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