[Tutor] Try except really better than if?

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Mon Jan 10 01:22:33 CET 2011

Karim wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am using more and more try except statement. But I discussed with a 
> very experienced C++ programmer.
> And he told me that at least in C++ using too many try -catch statements 
> are making the code slower. And it should
> does the same for python (C implementation). 

He is right with the first part, wrong with the second. Python's 
exceptions are not the same as C++ or Java exceptions.

Setting up a try...except block is *very* fast, unlike C++ and Java, 
where it is slow. In Python, this code:

     1+1  # cannot fail
except ValueError:

is just as fast as:

pass  # null op, does nothing
1+1  # cannot fail

So there is no speed penalty for setting up a try...except block. If you 
have something that will nearly always succeed, you don't need to be 
concerned about using an exception handler.

However, *catching* the exception is more expensive. (Roughly ten times 
as expensive.) So you should avoid code that mostly fails.

Remember, also, that the alternative to try...except also has a cost 
which might not be cheap. You can do this:

     something that might fail
except Failure:
     do alternative

or you can do this:

if something should succeed:
     do something
     do alternative

But this if...else test is not free. Depending on how expensive the test 
is, and how often you take each branch, it might be more expensive to 
"look before you leap". Also, remember that many tests are disguised 
exceptions, such as the builtin "hasattr" function:

# pseudo-code
def hasattr(obj, name):
         getattr(obj, name)
     except AttributeError:
         return False
     return True

So there is no speed advantage to calling:

if hasattr(obj, 'spam'):
     print("no spam in object")

over this:

except AttributeError:
     print("no spam in object")

The first may even be slower because it has to look up the attribute 
twice -- this is what I call a pessimation, something done in the name 
of speed which actually makes your code *slower*.

Catching exceptions are best in three circumstances:

- You only care about the speed of a successful operation. Failures can 
be slow. If your program prints an error message and then exits, who 
cares if it takes 3 milliseconds longer than necessary?

- Testing whether something will succeed is impossible, or expensive, or 
too hard to get right.

- Failures are rare. As a *very* rough rule of thumb, I say that if you 
expect a failure less than one time in ten, it is better to use 

But mostly, don't worry about speed. If you are worried about 
*execution* speed, you shouldn't be using Python in the first place. 
Python is optimized for developer productivity, not execution speed. 
Write your code, and *if* it is too slow, then worry about finding the 
bottlenecks and optimizing them.

Some very important quotes about optimization in general:

“More computing sins are committed in the name of efficiency (without 
necessarily achieving it) than for any other single reason - including 
blind stupidity.” - W.A. Wulf

“We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: 
premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass 
up our opportunities in that critical 3%. A good programmer will not be 
lulled into complacency by such reasoning, he will be wise to look 
carefully at the critical code; but only after that code has been 
identified.” - Donald Knuth

“Bottlenecks occur in surprising places, so don't try to second guess 
and put in a speed hack until you have proven that's where the 
bottleneck is.” - Rob Pike

“The First Rule of Program Optimization: Don't do it. The Second Rule of 
Program Optimization (for experts only!): Don't do it yet.” - Michael A. 


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