[Tutor] Filling in Missing Data from Txt Files - Resubmitted

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Jan 11 22:34:50 CET 2011

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Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn To Program website

----- Original Message ----
> From: "Benson, Randall" <Randall.Benson at iberdrolaren.com>
> To: Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, 11 January, 2011 19:47:21
> Subject: RE: [Tutor] Filling in Missing Data from Txt Files - Resubmitted
> Hi Alan,
> I'm kind of new to Python but I think I understand your proposed  code
> below.  However, I only need to write missing data to the output  file if
> there is no 10 min period of data available during any given  hour.  In
> other words, write to the output file missing data when an  entire hour
> or 6 data records are missing.  Otherwise, I use any and all  available
> 10 min periods to calculate the average for that hour.
> I've  thought of reading all the data in first looking at the date and
> time columns  and then write -9999 to an output file with the missing
> 10-min periods and  the good data and then go back through the input file
> to make the hourly  averages of the 10-min data now with missing data
> values and good data.   Would that approach work?  If so, how would you
> set up the loop  structure for finding the missing hours and then
> inserting  -9999's?
> Randall P. Benson, PhD
> Global Technical  Division/Energy Resources
> O:  503-796-7129
> M:  971-227-2477
> -----Original Message-----
> From:  tutor-bounces+randall.benson=iberdrolaren.com at python.org
> [mailto:tutor-bounces+randall.benson=iberdrolaren.com at python.org]  On
> Behalf Of Alan Gauld
> Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 10:00 AM
> To: tutor at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Tutor]  Filling in Missing Data from Txt Files -
> Resubmitted
> "Benson,  Randall" <Randall.Benson at iberdrolaren.com>  wrote
> > hour as shown below.  In the sample below there is no  data for hours
> > 1000, 1100, 1200 and 1300.  For these missing data  rows I need to 
> > insert
> > the correct date, time and -9999 for the  other missing data columns
> > (columns 2-6).
> > 080618 0950   5.10  7.40 224.0  -3.54  -3.67
> > 080618 1000   4.62  7.00 227.0  -3.38  -3.15
> > 080618 1410   5.19  7.30 232.0  -4.09  -3.20
> OK, In pseudo code it could  be something like
> prev_datetime = get startdate
> for line in  file:
>      extract datetime from line
>      while  datetime - prev_datetime > 10 minutes # missing data
>              write dummy data
>              prev_datetime += 10 minutes
>      prev_datetime =  datetime
>      write data
> Does that help?
> -- 
> Alan Gauld
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
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