[Tutor] question

Karim karim.liateni at free.fr
Thu Jan 13 00:43:10 CET 2011


"You can even use a StringVar as the checkbutton's variable, and supply 
string values for the
offvalue and onvalue. Here's an example:
self.spamVar = StringVar()
self.spamCB = Checkbutton ( self, text="Spam?",
variable=self.spamVar, onvalue="yes", offvalue="no" )
If this checkbutton is on, self.spamVar.get() will return the string 
"yes"; if the checkbutton
is off, that same call will return the string "no". Furthermore, your 
program can turn the checkbutton
on by calling .set("yes")."


On 01/12/2011 05:55 PM, Stinson, Wynn A Civ USAF AFMC 556 SMXS/MXDED wrote:
> Can someone give me some sample code to use to determine if a checkbox 
> has been selected using Tkinter? thanks
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