[Tutor] python hyperlinks question

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Jan 13 01:12:38 CET 2011

"Vikram K" <kpguy1975 at gmail.com> wrote 
> Could you please tell me how to add hyperlinks to my output?

The output is just text so all you need to do is find out how Excel 
populates hyperlinks in a CSV file... If that is actually possible.

The easiest way will be to create an Excel file with hyperlinks, 
save as CSV and then open the CSV file and look at how Excel 
does it. Then write your python code to do the same.

But it may be asking too much of CSV, you may need to create 
a native Excel file to do this. There are Python modules available 
that can do that, or you could (with some pain) use native COM.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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