[Tutor] defining functions and classes

Kann Vearasilp vearasilp at gmail.com
Sat Jan 15 11:26:33 CET 2011

Do you also have to define the class attributes?

class Administrator():
   name = ""
   os = ""
   def Skills(name,os):
       name = raw_input('What is your name')
       os = raw_input('What is your os')
       self.name = name
       self.os = os


On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Brett Murch <brettmurch at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm just starting to learn Python and am starting by creating a text
> game but am having trouble with classes and funtions. I want to create a
> class or function where someone creates a charater and has a choice of
> their name or os. This is what I have so far;
> class Administrator():
>    def Skills(name,os):
>        name = raw_input('What is your name')
>        os = raw_input('What is your os')
>        self.name = name
>        self.os = os
> Skills(name,os)
> I keep getting a syntax error on calling it. any ideas on what I'm doing
> wrong? Should it not be a class and should I just define it as a
> function or what?
> Thank you in advance
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