[Tutor] Telephone app

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Jan 22 23:05:28 CET 2011

"David Hutto" <smokefloat at gmail.com> wrote

> This is just a reach question. What modules would i want to use if i
> wanted to just send the signal, and receive the signal, other than
> maybe, signal. In other words please tone.dumb it down, and show a
> pseudo example.

We need a lot more info. How are you interfacing and to what?
Are you talking about SIP? Or is it a TAPI app?
Are you interfacing to a real handset or building a softphone?

What are you using for a server or switch?

The one thing you probably don't want to use is signal....

There are modules to support SIP.
I don't know of any TAPI ones but I suspect they will exist.
If not you can use the native Windows APIs (MSTAPI.DLL I think)
or the Java API vias a bridge or from Jython.

But thats a prettty wide ask.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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