[Tutor] small ElementTree problem

Alex Hall mehgcap at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 23:23:15 CET 2011

Hi all,
I am using, and very much enjoying, the ElementTree library. However,
I have hit a problem. Say I have something along the lines of:

<message>Message from Service</message>
   <name>result 1</name>
   <name>result 2</name>

In my ResultSet class, I parse this to get the text of elements like
message or version. Then, I use root.findall("list/result") and
iterate over the result, passing to a second function which parses the
passed-in elements into Result objects. For example:

for i in all:

In Obj.parse(), the element passed in is treated like this:

def parse(data):

Printing the results of the above through Obj.id or Obj.name gives me
odd behavior:
print Obj.id :> <Element 'result' at [mem addr]
print self.id :> None

What is going on? Does the root change when I call find()? Why would
an Element object get used when I clearly say to use the text of the
found element? TIA.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
mehgcap at gmail.com; http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap

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