[Tutor] pywin32 help

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Sun Jan 30 10:43:53 CET 2011

On 30/01/2011 6:42 AM, walter weston wrote:
> hello I am running python 2.7 , I am trying to install pywin32 version 2.7
> when I run the setup.py file a black console windows pops up  displays some
> text and dissappears before I can read any of the text . I dont know what
> says so I cant give details here is the link to pywin32 :
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/....... I need pywin32 for the
> pythoncom module which I will be using pumpmessages .why dont they make the
> install easier? like a more stable EXE or something instead of all these
> file directories they include...... they made to make this download for an
> average joe haha... please help this average joe out

Well it's not that hard, really: instead of going for the big green
button which gives you the version-neutral source zip, just click
on the link immediately to the right entitled "View all files". That
takes you to here:

from which you work your way down through the directories,
selecting the highest number which you guess will take you
to the most recent build and... voila!


Lots of .exe files, one for each version of Python / processor arch.

Just for the record, pywin32 has had binaries available for Python 2.7
from pretty much the day after 2.6 was released (ie long before 2.7
was officially available).


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