[Tutor] Blackjack Betting
Vincent Balmori
vincentbalmori at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 1 09:28:26 CEST 2011
Sorry. Here is the entire Error stack if this can help.
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 240, in <module>
line 236, in main
line 204, in play
line 129, in win
bet.stash += bet.wager
Prasad, Ramit wrote:
>>I keep getting the error: “NameError: global
>>name 'bet' is not defined.” I know I came across this error before in a
>>previous thread, but I am confused on how to solve this, since I am also
>>trying to juggle it with inherited methods at the same time.
> Telling us this without the stack trace is pretty unhelpful. The Python
> exceptions include a very good stack trace (with line numbers +- 1 line)
> and a decent description. This error means that wherever this error was
> raised was a reference to the name "bet" and it had no reference to any
> "bet" at that point. The reasons could be that you forgot to assign a
> value to the name first, maybe it was a typo, in a preceding function,
> forgot the reference to self, etc, etc.
> I took a *quick* look at the code and found this (I did not check for
> other problems or if this error happens in more than one place):
> class BJ_Player(BJ_Hand, Bet):
> """ A Blackjack Player. """
> def is_hitting(self):
> response = games.ask_yes_no("\n" + self.name + ", do you want a
> hit? (Y/N): ")
> return response == "y"
> def bust(self):
> print(self.name, "busts.")
> self.lose()
> def lose(self):
> print(self.name, "loses.")
> betting = Bet()
> bet.stash -= bet.wager
> def win(self):
> print(self.name, "wins.")
> bet = Bet()
> bet.stash += bet.wager
> def push(self):
> print(self.name, "pushes.")
> There are a couple things wrong with this class. First, you never define
> an __init__ which might be technically okay but is unlikely to be what you
> want for any user defined class (especially one with multiple
> inheritance). Since there is no __init__ defined, it will call the first
> parent class BJ_Hand.__init__ but not the second parent class Bet.__init__
> (if it has one).
> Next for BJ_Player.lose(), bet is never defined and thus neither is
> bet.stash. Maybe you meant betting.stash -= betting.wager? I bet if you
> ran lint/pylint on this module it would have told you the error without
> even having to run it.
> Ramit
> Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
> 712 Main Street | Houston, TX 77002
> work phone: 713 - 216 - 5423
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tutor-bounces+ramit.prasad=jpmchase.com at python.org
> [mailto:tutor-bounces+ramit.prasad=jpmchase.com at python.org] On Behalf Of
> Vincent Balmori
> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 1:49 PM
> To: tutor at python.org
> Subject: [Tutor] Blackjack Betting
> I have been working on another challenge that involves improving the
> Blackjack program so the players can wager an amount. If a player loses
> they
> will be removed from the game. I keep getting the error: “NameError:
> global
> name 'bet' is not defined.” I know I came across this error before in a
> previous thread, but I am confused on how to solve this, since I am also
> trying to juggle it with inherited methods at the same time. Here is the
> old
> and new file for the blackjack program for comparison:
> http://old.nabble.com/file/p31966195/blackjack.py blackjack.py
> http://old.nabble.com/file/p31966195/blackjackbetting.py
> blackjackbetting.py
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://old.nabble.com/Blackjack-Betting-tp31966195p31966195.html
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