[Tutor] Program to Predict Chemical Properties and Reactions
Emile van Sebille
emile at fenx.com
Sat Jul 16 19:50:30 CEST 2011
On 7/16/2011 9:24 AM B G said...
> I was just wondering how feasible it would be to build something like
> the following:
> Brief background, in chemistry, the ionization energy is defined as the
> energy required to remove an electron from an atom. The ionization
> energies of different elements follow general trends (ie moving left to
> right across the periodic table, the ionization energy increases; moving
> down a group the ionization energy decreases).
> What if I wanted something such that we could type in a few elements and
> the program would list the elements in order of increasing ionization
> energy (for, say, the first ionization energy). Any suggestions for
> going about this?
Build a dictionary of elements and ionization energies. Then it's
simply a matter of looking up the entered elements related values,
sorting, and displaying.
> I'm trying to brush up on my chemistry and thought
> the funnest way to do it would be to build a program that can do this
> (if it works, I'd also like to replicate it for level of
> electronegativity, atomic radius size, electron affinity, and ionization
> levels 2, 3, and 4).
Extend the dictionary for the additional attributes.
> I have a good idea of pseudocode that could make
> this happen in terms of the rules of chemistry, but having some trouble
> visualizing the actual implementation.
> Thanks!
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