[Tutor] What's the difference between %s and %r?

amt 0101amt at gmail.com
Sat Jul 23 14:48:03 CEST 2011

Hello! I'm having troubles understanding what is the difference between %s
and %r(format characters). I did google  and found something on
StackOverflow but I don't understand the explanation as it's not beginner

Also, I have this code from learn python the hard way. Why at line 9 does he
uses %r? Why did he didn't wrote print "I said: %s." %x ?

1    x = "There are %d types of people." % 10
2    binary = "binary"
3    do_not = "don't"
4    y = "Those who know %s and those who %s." % (binary, do_not)
6    print x
7    print y
9    print "I said: %r." % x
10  print "I also said: '%s'." % y
12  hilarious = False
13  joke_evaluation = "Isn't that joke so funny?! %r"
15  print joke_evaluation % hilarious
17  w = "This is the left side of..."
18  e = "a string with a right side."
20  print w + e

Thanks in advance!
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