[Tutor] Object Management
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Jul 27 00:25:00 CEST 2011
Alexander wrote:
> Hello everyone. I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around a project I'm
> working on. My goal is to create a program that manages (allows its users to
> manipulate, search by criteria and edit) objects. There is one type of
> object, for example I'll say it's a car.
> There will be a central data file containing all of the cars and multiple
> users will have access to it at once. I'm having trouble here, I've done
> some research on MOO and twisted but I'm not sure where to turn.
I'd forget twisted etc for this, it sounds more like a traditional
database is whats needed.
> Additionally I'll need a GUI! tkinter? Does anyone have any suggestions on
> how to get started with tkinter? I'm overwhelmed with the amount of
> documentation I've had to read and think I have to read to accomplish my
> goal.
Learning any GUI is a painful leaning curve. If you really need a
desktop client rather than a web based solution I'd look at Dabo.
It has a GUI builder (based on wxPython rather than Tkinter) and is
focused on data oriented applications.
But if you can go down the web root then most python web frameworks will
provide both the UI and database elements for you and you get a lot of
standard functionality (login etc) for free...
Alan G.
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