[Tutor] Fall in love with bpython

Karim karim.liateni at free.fr
Thu Jul 28 02:03:48 CEST 2011

On 07/28/2011 01:32 AM, Walter Prins wrote:
> Hi Karim
> On 28 July 2011 00:04, Karim <karim.liateni at free.fr 
> <mailto:karim.liateni at free.fr>> wrote:
>     On 07/27/2011 12:34 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:
>         Karim wrote:
>             I use bpython interpreter. This is a very good interactive
>             CLI.
>         I had never heard of it and had to google for it.
>         It appears to be a curses based CLI for *nix and MacOS
>     Ah Windows user.
> Thanks for mentioning bpython -- I had also not heard of it but it 
> duly installed on my ubuntu box from the repositories!  I've browsed 
> the code -- it uses ncurses to do the screen IO.  You can always read 
> the code, but, as you intimated, unless you're pretty familiar with 
> somewhat large codebases and ncurses it might not be that much use to 
> you just yet. ... Still, it might be worth having a look at the 
> source... :)
> http://hg.bpython-interpreter.org/bpython/src/bcd836c859aa/bpython/
> Walter


I am using ubuntu too.
I used to write large API but in fact I did not know curses and I wanted 
to see in the code
where the keywords are 'injected' to try with my own grammar. I still 
have to study the details.
But it seems that the keywords are imported dynamically from 
__builtins__ module. Don't know yet
how to configure or modify it.

Thanks for your advice

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