[Tutor] Mainloop conflict

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Fri Jul 29 22:17:13 CEST 2011

Stefan Behnel wrote:

> Christopher King, 29.07.2011 17:08:
>> On Thursday, July 28, 2011, Dave Angel wrote:
>>> On 07/28/2011 08:32 PM, Christopher King wrote:
>>>> Dear Tutor Dudes,
>>>>      I have a socket Gui program. The only problem is that socket.recv
>> waits
>>>> for a response, which totally screws Tkinter I think. I tried making
>>>> the timeout extremely small (it was alright if I didn't receive
>>>> anything, I was excepting that a lot) but I think that screwed socket.
>>>> Anyone have
>> words
>>>> of wisdom.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>      Me
>>> Sure:
>>> Do the socket I/O on a separate thread.
>> I was afraid of that.
> Understandable. However, as I already said, you don't need to do that,
> just go the obvious route.

While searching for


I stumbled upon


which looks even simpler indeed.

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