[Tutor] Lists

Vincent Balmori vincentbalmori at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 10 10:01:43 CEST 2011

I'm stuck on two problems from the Absolute Beginners book. The first is simple. 
I am trying to print all the words in the list in random order without repeats, 
but it always shows None for some reason.

#Program prints list of words in random order with no repeats

import random

#List of words

list = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth","fifth"]

#Randomize word order

order = random.shuffle(list)
#Print words in random order

input("\n\nPress the Enter to exit")

The other question is: "Improve the program by adding a choice that lets the 
user enter a name and get back a grandfather. You should still only use one list 
of son-father pairs. Make sure to include several generations in list so a match 
can be found." The only thing I have done is adding choice 5 with its basic elif 
block and adding another name in each of the three sequences in the list, but I 
am completely stuck otherwise.

#User can enter name of male and name of his father will show
#Allow user to add, replace, and delete son-father pairs.
#Also have the user enter a name to get back a grandfather

#Setting values
sondad = {"Vincent": "Ramon": "Lolo","Jesus": "God": "Unknown", "Simba": 
"Mufasa": "Lion"}

choice = None
while choice != "0":

    Who's Your Daddy?!
    0 - Quit
    1 - Look Up Pair
    2 - Add a Pair
    3 - Replace a Pair
    4 - Delete a Pair
    5 - Look up a Grandfather

    choice = input("Choice: ")

    # exit
    if choice == "0":

    # look up pair
    elif choice == "1":
        choice = input("Which pair do you want to look up?: ")
        if choice in sondad:
            dad = sondad[choice]
            print("\n", choice,"is son to:", dad)
            print("\nSorry, I don't know", choice)

    # add a father
    elif choice == "2":
        choice = input("Who is the son you want to add?: ")
        if choice not in sondad:
            dad = input("\nWho's the father?: ")
            sondad[choice] = dad
            print("\n", dad, "has been added.")
            print("\nThat pair already exists!  Try replacing them.")

    # replace a father
    elif choice == "3":
        choice = input("Which son do you want to replace a father?: ")
        if choice in sondad:
            dad = input("Who's the father?: ")
            sondad[choice] = dad
            print("\n", choice, "has been replaced.")
            print("\nThey don't exist! Try adding them.")
    # delete a pair
    elif choice == "4":
        choice = input("Which pair do you want to delete?: ")
        if choice in sondad:
            del sondad[choice]
            print("\nOkay, I deleted", choice)
            print("\nI can't do that!", choice, "don't exist.")

    # look up grandfather:
    elif choice == "5":
        choice = input("Who's grandfather are you looking up?: ")
        if choice in sondad:
            dad = sondad[choice]
            print("\n", choice,"is grandson to:", dad)
            print("\nSorry, I don't know", choice)
    # some unknown choice
        print("\nSorry, but", choice, "isn't a valid choice.")
input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")
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