[Tutor] Lists

Jeff Johnson jeff at dcsoftware.com
Sun Jun 12 01:19:27 CEST 2011

Alan:  Thank you for all you do.  I always look for your posts!  You 
have helped me immensely with Python and I appreciate it!



Jeff Johnson
jeff at dcsoftware.com



Jeff Johnson
jeff at san-dc.com
(623) 582-0323


On 06/11/2011 08:30 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> "Piotr KamiƄski" <piotr-kam at o2.pl> wrote
>>>>  This is a *technical* list, as I understand it, solely dedicated 
>>>> to the
>>>> technical side of teaching the *Python* programming language and
>>>> *programming* in general. I would like to keep it this way ...
> Since this seems to be something we can all agree on
> can we consider this discussion closed and get back
> to Python?
> If you wish to continue the philosophical debate please
> take it off list.
> Alan g.
> List moderator.
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