[Tutor] html files to pdf document

Walter Prins wprins at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 00:19:52 CEST 2011


On 20 June 2011 18:11, Michiel Overtoom <motoom at xs4all.nl> wrote:

> On Jun 20, 2011, at 18:58, Timo wrote:
> > On 20-06-11 17:34, arun kumar wrote:
> >> HI,  i have a some 100 plus html individual files.I want to convert them
> to a single pdf document programatically. How to convert them in  python.
> Are there any functions,modules or libraries for python to achieve this.
> > Just a question, but did you use Google before asking here? Because the
> first hit when searching for "python html to pdf" looks like it should do
> what you want.
> Maybe for you, but not for the OP. Google will give different search
> results depending on your location, nationality, IP address and previous
> searches from that address.

At the risk of belaboring the point, I think what Timo was gentlying trying
to point out to the OP was that Google would've likely yielded many relevant
results, including in all likelihood the top hit, notwithstanding Google's
tailoring based on location and other factors.  (You're not seriously trying
to suggest that Google would've yielded *no* useful results, or that the top
link wouldn't have been at all relevant to his question, are you?)

For reference, for me the top hit is http://www.xhtml2pdf.com/ which does
indeed look like it might do the job (and is a pure python solution.)

Another possibly quite relevant link is this one (about 20 lines of code):


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