[Tutor] Television

Noah Hall enalicho at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 22:03:26 CEST 2011

On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Vincent Balmori
<vincentbalmori at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I made in elif statement for the channel changer that works for it, but the
> volume systems system boundary does not the way I want it to. If the volume
> is 2 and I lower it by a value of 5, it will accept the volume at a negative
> number thus going past the boundary. The vice-versa for the high boundary as
> well.
> http://old.nabble.com/file/p31932639/TV.py TV.py

In this case, you're testing in the wrong place again.

>def volume_down(tv, down = 1):

Again, no need for the variable "down" - you don't use it.

>        if tv.volume > tv.volume_lowboundary :

tv.volume is always going to be less than tv.volume_lowboundary unless
set via calling tv.volume = <some_value> externally.

>            down = int(input("\n How much do you want to lower the volume?: "))

Note you haven't got any error catching. What happens if I enter "mouse"?

>            if down > 10:
>                int(input("\n That's too much! Choose another number?: "))

Here you need an elif clause, checking if down is too low, for example,
elif tv.volume - down >1:

>            else:
>                tv.volume -= down
>                print("\n The volume is now:", tv.volume)
>        if tv.volume == 0:
>            print("\nVolume is at lowest value.")


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