[Tutor] learning how to convert script to python
Jim Syyap
jimsyyap at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 09:24:15 CEST 2011
I am learning python at the moment--this is something I would like to
work on/convert. It's a poker application that opens a table for you
every x-minutes.
The project has been discontinued and I would like to convert it to
python, then use it.
Can you tell me what language this is--lisp or autohotkey?
What do I need to learn so I can convert these?
; Thois TableOpener for PokerStars v1.05
> ; Opens new cash game tables from the lobby every x seconds (if there are less tables opened than your predefined settings). A great tool for multi-tablers.
> ; Customize the variables below (between the lines)
> ; 'Thois' on PS for donations
> ; Customizable variables (between the lines)
> ;------------------------------------------
> rowheight := 13 ;In the PokerStars lobby go to View > Text Size: For Medium & smaller:13, For smallest:12, For Larger:15, For Largest:17
> recheck := 50 ;How often the script should open up new tables (if needed), 50=10seconds, 25=5seconds etc... Try not to set this too low for CPU performance issues
> ;------------------------------------------
> Gui, Font, s8, Arial
> Gui, Add, Text,, Number Of Tables:
> Gui, Add, Edit
> Gui, Add, UpDown, vnumberoftablestokeepopen Range1-24, 12
> Gui, Add, Checkbox, venabledisable, Run!
> Gui, Show,, Thois TableOpener for PokerStars v1.00
> Gui, Submit, NoHide
> numberofloopinstances := recheck - 1
> Loop
> {
> Gui, Submit, NoHide
> SendMessage, 0x115, 0, 0, PokerStarsListClass1, PokerStars Lobby
> numberofloopinstances := numberofloopinstances + 1
> if (numberofloopinstances = recheck)
> {
> numberofloopinstances := 0
> WinGet, numberofwindows, Count, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass,,Lobby
> beffen := numberoftablestokeepopen - numberofwindows
> if (beffen > 0 AND enabledisable = 1)
> {
> Loop
> {
> ControlGet, tablesinthelobby, Hwnd, , PokerStarsListClass1, PokerStars Lobby
> yclick := 1 + (rowheight * A_Index) - rowheight
> PostLeftClick(1, yclick, tablesinthelobby)
> ControlClick, PokerStarsButtonClass10, PokerStars Lobby
> Sleep, 500
> WinGet, numberofwindows, Count, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass,,Lobby
> beffen := numberoftablestokeepopen - numberofwindows
> if (beffen = 0)
> {
> break
> }
> }
> }
> }
> Sleep, 200
> }
> ; Hotkeys (disabled)
> ;~Xbutton1:: ;Endlessly cycles between all tables in the stack the cursor is pointing at (brings the front table to the back), disabled (remove ; marks to enable)
> ;MouseGetPos,,,tableID
> ;WinGetClass, classoftableid, ahk_id %tableID%
> ;if (classoftableid = "PokerStarsTableFrameClass")
> ; {
> ; WinSet, Bottom,, ahk_id %tableID%
> ; }
> ;return
> ;~Xbutton2:: ;Closes the table the mouse is pointing at (also clicks the OK warning button), disabled (remove ; marks to enable)
> ;MouseGetPos,,,tableID
> ;WinGetClass, classoftableid, ahk_id %tableID%
> ;if (classoftableid = "PokerStarsTableFrameClass");
> ; {
> ; WinClose, ahk_id %tableID%
> ; Sleep,20
> ; ControlClick, Button1, Table, OK
> ; }
> ;return
> ;Juks rocks - I deactivated WinActivate so that the Lobby doesnt steal focus
> PostLeftClick(x, y, table_id, activate=1) {
> ; ### JUK: Send the down left click, then the mouse-up messages.
> ; NOTE: This is relative to the top left of the client area and NOT the top left of the
> ; window (ie: It *doesn't* include the title-bar like AHK's MouseClick does!!!).
> If activate
> ; WinActivate, ahk_id%table_id%
> PostMessage, 0x201, 0x0001, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id%
> PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id%
> }
> GuiClose:
> ExitApp
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