[Tutor] Boolean question

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Mar 16 09:40:00 CET 2011

"Donald Bedsole" <drbedsole at gmail.com> wrote

> most part.  But, could someone make sure I'm understanding this one
> expression correctly?
> not (False and True)
> Python evaluates it as "True"
> Is it because:
> 1)You evaluate what's in the parentheses first.  A thing can not be
> false and true at the same time, so the answer is false.
> 2)However, the "not" outside the parentheses flips the meaning of 
> what
> is inside the parentheses, so false becomes "True." ?

Absolutely correct. Well done.
Boolean algebra can be a weird thing to get your head around
the first time you come across it :-)

Here are some of the standard rules:

True and thing = thing
False and thing = False
True or thing = True
False or thing = thing

And perhaps most bizarre of all:

not(X or Y) = not X and not Y
not(X and Y) = not X or not Y


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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