[Tutor] Fw: Fw: Fw: Parsing data from a csv file [NC]
louis.leichtnam at sgcib.com
Thu Mar 24 16:48:52 CET 2011
For example the line 1 in the csv file is:
Barney Gumble, Breakfast, Duffbeer, 1, I could?ve gone to Harvard
and I want to be able to clean it and turn it into:
Barney Gumble had for beakfast 1 Duffbeer while thinking "I coul?ve gone
to Harvard"
so basically using in this line the column0 + "had for " + column 1 +
column3 + column2 + "while thinking"+column4
and I want to be able to do this for every line, except for line0.
My end game is, after I'm able to do this, I want to write an Html using
python that shows those cleand lines
Thanks for your help
l.leichtnam at gmail.com
03/24/2011 11:39 AM
Please respond to
l.leichtnam at gmail.com
Louis LEICHTNAM/us/socgen at socgen
Fw: [Tutor] Fw: Fw: Parsing data from a csv file [NC]
Ok, I think what you are trying is to get all data in a string list:
import urllib, csv
list_string = []
for char,meal,ate,qty,com in reader:
if char != 'Character':
list_string.append("%s %s %s %s %s" % (char, meal, ate, qty, com))
print list_string
Doing something like this you can format all strings as you want and keep
them into a list
2011/3/24 <l.leichtnam at gmail.com>
Thanks, what I'm trying to do is extract the data from the csv file, clean
it to make each line into a sentence.
But for this I think I need to use a dictionary for each and enter the
words of each columns in one no?
Sent from my BlackBerry® on the MetroPCS Network
-----Original Message-----
From: Rafael Durán Castañeda
<rafadurancastaneda at gmail.com>
Sender: tutor-bounces+l.leichtnam=gmail.com at python.org
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 15:51:34
To: <tutor at python.org>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Fw: Fw: Parsing data from a csv file [NC]
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