[Tutor] Data frame packages

James Reynolds eire1130 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 17:17:19 CEST 2011

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Blockheads Oi Oi
<breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk>wrote:

> On 31/03/2011 09:38, Ben Hunter wrote:
>> Is anybody out there familiar with data frame modules for python that
>> will allow me to read a CSV in a similar way that R does? pydataframe
>> and DataFrame have both befuddled me. One requires a special stripe of R
>> that I don't think is available on windows and the other is either very
>> buggy or I've put it in the wrong directory / installed incorrectly.
>> Sorry for the vague question - just taking the pulse. I haven't seen any
>> chatter about this on this mailing list.
> What are you trying to achieve?  Can you simply read the data with the
> standard library csv module and manipulate it to your needs?    What makes
> you say that the code is buggy, have you examples of what you tried and
> where it was wrong?  Did you install with easy_install or run setup.py?
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I'm not familiar with it, but what about http://rpy.sourceforge.net/
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