[Tutor] Combining two Dictionaries

Knacktus knacktus at googlemail.com
Sun May 1 06:46:34 CEST 2011

> def combine(d1, d2):
>      for key in d1:
>          if key in d2:
>              d2[key] += d1[key]

I usually avoid changing function arguments. But later on you're talking 
about using this function as a method a class, so d1 and d2 would be 
instance attributes I guess.

> When I initialize the class which holds these dictionaries, though, I need
> to make sure that all the keys contained in d2 match the keys of d1. Thus I
> tried:
> d1 = {'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0}

Now d1 holds the address of a dict in memory. The dict contains your data.

> d2 = d1

Now d2 holds the same address of the same dict in memory. d1 and d2 
refer to the same dictionary.

> My understanding was that d2 looked at d1 once, grabbed its keys and values,
> and went off to do its own thing.

You would need to use copy() explicitly.

import copy

d2 = copy.copy(d1) # swallow copy

# or a deep copy
# -> copies also referenced objects recursively
# usefull if you have e.g. lists as values in your dict
# and want them copied too.

d2 = copy.deepcopy(d1)

  Just as if you typed:
> x = 3
> y = x
> x = 6
> y still holds the value 3.

Python has mutable and immutable types. Str and int, for example, are 
immutable. Dicts and list for example are mutable.
The statement x=6 binds x to a new object, because the object with value 
3 cannot be changed.

There are a lot of  explanations about mutable and immutable types. Much 
better then I could. You could search the list, for example here: 
or the web or see this overview in the docs:

Generally, I wouldn't copy an existing dict to make sure the other dict 
has the same values. The data must come from somewhere. I would check 
the data, then you wouldn't need to check the container.

Finally, you could use dict.get with a default set to 0, then you 
wouldn't need to care, e.g. (using dict comprehension and creating a new 

def combine_2(d1, d2):
     return {key: d1[key]+d2.get(key, 0) for key in d1}

But that's a bit dirty semantic wise, better to check the input data ... 
just to show you the syntax.



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