[Tutor] create an xls file using data from a txt file

Steve Willoughby steve at alchemy.com
Thu May 12 17:37:19 CEST 2011

Maybe we're splitting hairs over semantics then.  I thought there was 
confusion about what the CLI shell was doing with file separators as 
opposed to just handing the arguments as-is to the applications (which 
is true... the CLI doesn't really process them much, it's up to the 
application.  Where in the application, though, this is dealt with is 
not where I think we disagree.  In my original response, I clarified 
that, although as a short parenthetical note:

On 12-May-11 02:25, Peter Otten wrote:
> Steve Willoughby wrote:
>> Actually, yes, that's exactly what Python (or actually the underlying
>> file handling libraries it's built with) is doing on Windows.  There is

the "underlying file handling libraries" would be the API calls.  But 
that's not the CLI shell's doing.  Although maybe that's what you meant 
all along.

There are enough difference between the way the Windows CLI shell and 
Unix-derived command shells function in the handling of files and option 
handling that there's often confusion there which I thought was what was 
happening here too, that the OP was saying the CLI was somehow doing the 

Steve Willoughby / steve at alchemy.com
"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."
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