[Tutor] Sequencing

spawgi at gmail.com spawgi at gmail.com
Wed May 18 11:28:07 CEST 2011

I don't think we can solve your homework :). But regarding hint, try to
think in terms of each number as part of list and then process the list.
Also, consider the option if the numbers will be given as a string or as
integers or float etc.


On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Cindy Lee <cindylee2321 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi Pyton Tutors thanks for adding me,
> I am new to Python and missed one of my classes and am not sure of my
> homework. We are currently on sequencing and are being asked to make a
> function that receives text as an argument and returns the same text, but
> with 1 added to each number. So far I have:
> def ReceiveAndReturn():
>     sentence=raw_input("Give me a sentence with variables in it: ")
> print ReceiveAndReturn
> could anyone give me any hints on what else needs to be added?
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