[Tutor] Sequencing

Noah Hall enalicho at gmail.com
Wed May 18 12:37:34 CEST 2011

On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Cindy Lee <cindylee2321 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the advice. I seem to keep getting the same errror:
> <function ReceiveAndReturn at 0x16b43b0

This "error" is fully expected. print is displaying what it's given -
the function ReceiveAndReturn. In order to use the function, you need
() on the end.

> Any advise? Also, is the _add_ string something I should be using?
>>>> help(str.__add__)
> Help on wrapper_descriptor:
> __add__(...)
>     x.__add__(y) <==> x+y
No, not really. What you want to do is to parse the string given, and
then edit the values in place.

> ________________________________
> From: Dave Angel <davea at ieee.org>
> To: Cindy Lee <cindylee2321 at yahoo.com>
> Cc: "tutor at python.org" <tutor at python.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, 18 May 2011, 3:02
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Sequencing
> On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Cindy Lee wrote:
>> Hi Pyton Tutors thanks for adding me,
>> I am new to Python and missed one of my classes and am not sure of my
>> homework. We are currently on sequencing and are being asked to make a
>> function that receives text as an argument and returns the same text, but
>> with 1 added to each number. So far I have:
>> def ReceiveAndReturn():
>>      sentence=raw_input("Give me a sentence with variables in it: ")
>> print ReceiveAndReturn
>> could anyone give me any hints on what else needs to be added?
> As for your code so far, you've omitted the parentheses in the call to
> ReceiveAndReturn.
> That's not a very complete assignment description.  Without some example
> text, I can only guess what these "sentences" might be permitted to look
> like.  So let me make a wild guess and see where it leads us.
> Suppose you assume that the numbers in the "sentence" will be unsigned
> (positive) integers, and that they will be separated from surrounding
> characters by whitespace.  That's a restrictive assumption, since a sentence
> might end with a number, and therefore there might be a period, not a space
> after it.  Similarly, a list of numbers might have commas, etc.  Assume also
> that extra spaces are irrelevant, so that one space between each word is
> fine.
> So you're looking to parse a 'sentence' like:
>   Joe had 44 baskets and 3 of them were broken.
> What you might want to do is split that string by whitespace, then loop
> through the resulting list, discovering any tokens that start with a digit.
> If it starts with a digit, convert it to an int, add one, and convert it
> back to a string.
> Then join the tokens (strings) back together into a single string (using a
> space character), and print it out.
> In my description I deliberately used several python keywords and library
> function names, so that you might be able to search them out in the python
> docs, to see how to apply them.
> DaveA
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