[Tutor] BaseHTTPServer, how do catch/trap "broken pipe" errors?

ian douglas ian.douglas at iandouglas.com
Thu May 19 22:25:11 CEST 2011

Hey all,

I released my short URL engine last night and it works great. The only 
problem I'm having now is that it's throwing LOTS of 'broken pipe' 
errors, which as I understand from looking at raw socket docs in Python, 
should throw a trappable exception.

This might be a little more 'advanced' than the average tutor questions, 
so I posted some details at StackOverflow.com just so I could keep the 
huge code sample and error messages off the mailing list. I'd appreciate 
it if anyone could help me figure out where the best place is to wrap a 
try/except call, and which exceptions I should be looking for.



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