[Tutor] A question about sys.argv

Dave Angel d at davea.name
Tue Nov 1 15:28:03 CET 2011

On 11/01/2011 10:19 AM, Jose Amoreira wrote:
> HiOn Tuesday, November 01, 2011 01:55:18 PM Joel Goldstick wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 9:48 AM, Jefferson Ragot<jbr5393 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> In a Vista command prompt if I typed this:
>>>          >>>  python  somescript.py  filename
>>> Will sys.argv[1] return a valid path or just the filename?
>>> If it just returns the filename, is there a simple way to get the path?
> Here's the contents of my somescript.py:
> ---------------------------------
> import sys
> for index,arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
>      print index, arg
> -----------------------------------
> Here is its output:
> mu:python$ python somescript.py match.py
> 0 somescript.py
> 1 match.py
> mu:python$ python somescript.py somescript.py stripaccents.py
> 0 somescript.py
> 1 somescript.py
> 2 stripaccents.py
> mu:python$ python somescript.py Hello, how do you do?
> 0 somescript.py
> 1 Hello,
> 2 how
> 3 do
> 4 you
> 5 do?
> mu:python$ python somescript.py /home/amoreira/public_html/index.php
> 0 somescript.py
> 1 /home/amoreira/public_html/index.php
> mu:python$ python somescript.py /unexistent/directory/unexistent_file.txt
> 0 somescript.py
> 1 /unexistent/directory/unexistent_file.txt
> So, sys.argv has nothing to do with files or paths, it just stores whatever
> you write in the command line. I don't have a vista system on wich to try
> things, but I'm pretty sure it's the same.
>> sysargv[1] returns the text following your script.
>> You can find the current working directory with this:
>> http://docs.python.org/library/os.html#os.getcwd
> No. sys.argv[1:] (note the colon) does return (not quite "return", since it's
> not a function call but ok) the text following your script. sys.argv[1] only
> "returns" the *first* word after your script (in the invocation command)
> Cheers
> Ze Amoreira
More precisely,  sys.argv[1:] yields a list whose items are the words on 
the command line.  it does not reproduce the command line as a single 



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