[Tutor] Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 11.10 - Do not unintall

Joel Montes de Oca joelmontes01 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 01:48:42 CET 2011

On Tue 01 Nov 2011 08:56:41 PM EDT, Max gmail wrote:
> Heh, yeah.  It's usually a bad idea to do stuff like that (I know a guy (Windows) who deleted his OS of his system).
> On Nov 1, 2011, at 7:40 PM, Joel Montes de Oca wrote:
>> I just discovered that it is a bad idea to complete uninstall Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 11.10. If you do, expect a lot of things not to work, mainly your system. haha
>> I just reinstalled Python 2.7 and I hope things are not so bad now when I reboot.
>> -- 
>> -Joel M.
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Yea, It wiped out GNOME and UNITY along with a few other applications. 
It wasn't a big deal tho, I just reinstalled ubuntu-desktop threw 
apt-get. :)

-Joel M.

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