[Tutor] Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 11.10 - Do not unintall

spawgi at gmail.com spawgi at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 16:02:31 CET 2011

I use OS X / Windows and I have not noticed any dependency issues. So I was
not aware about the same with respect to Ubuntu. I am glad that I learnt
something from this discussion.


On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 7:40 PM, Joel Montes de Oca
<joelmontes01 at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 11/02/2011 02:26 AM, spawgi at gmail.com wrote:
>> Shouldn't this be treated as a bug then? As a user I should be allowed to
>> uninstall the software I want to.
>> Or you uninstalled other things by mistake?
>> On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 6:18 AM, Joel Montes de Oca <
>> joelmontes01 at gmail.com <mailto:joelmontes01 at gmail.com**>> wrote:
>>    On Tue 01 Nov 2011 08:56:41 PM EDT, Max gmail wrote:
>>        Heh, yeah.  It's usually a bad idea to do stuff like that (I
>>        know a guy (Windows) who deleted his OS of his system).
>>        On Nov 1, 2011, at 7:40 PM, Joel Montes de Oca wrote:
>>            I just discovered that it is a bad idea to complete
>>            uninstall Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 11.10. If you do, expect a
>>            lot of things not to work, mainly your system. haha
>>            I just reinstalled Python 2.7 and I hope things are not so
>>            bad now when I reboot.
>>            --             -Joel M.
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>>    Yea, It wiped out GNOME and UNITY along with a few other
>>    applications. It wasn't a big deal tho, I just reinstalled
>>    ubuntu-desktop threw apt-get. :)
>>    --     -Joel M.
>>    ______________________________**_________________
>>    Tutor maillist  - Tutor at python.org <mailto:Tutor at python.org>
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>> --
>> http://spawgi.wordpress.com
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> Spawgi,
> Like a few people have mentioned before, this isn't a bug. Unity and GNOME
> rely on Python 2.7 to work, which is fine. When I uninstalled Python2.7
> GNOME and Unity didn't have a way to run their py files, which results in a
> broken environment. The package manager was smart enough to list everything
> that was going to be uninstalled since they rely on Python. So instead of
> leaving broken systems on my computer, it uninstalled all the packages that
> would had been broken, including Unity and GNOME.
> I just want to add one thing that hasn't been mentioned yet. The only bug
> was the one called Joel M, which failed to read the uninstall list until
> later when I noticed my environments were being uninstalled.  haha!
> Synaptic, the package manager I was using, listed everything that was
> going to be uninstalled but I didn't read it. I didn't realize how many
> system tools used python until later. Live and learn.
> It wasn't a big deal. All I had to do was reinstall Python2.7 and reboot.
> Of course, after the reboot, I didn't have an environment to log into. So I
> pressed Ctr + Alt + F1 to get into tty1 and then ran sudo apt-get install
> ubuntu-desktop. That took care of the missing environment. Then I restarted
> with sudo shutdown -r now. I didn't really need to do that since I think
> restarting X was enough but I restarted anyhow.
> As far as the comments about Ubuntu 11.10 being buggy. I don't think it's
> Ubuntu 11.10 that is buggy, I think it's Unity that is a bit buggy. I use
> Unity and sometimes applications do crash or fail to open when you click on
> their icons... Like I said, I think it's an issue with Unity but I can't
> say for sure since I haven't used another environment since I installed
> Ubuntu 11.10.
> --
> -Joel M.
> ______________________________**_________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
> To unsubscribe or change subscription options:
> http://mail.python.org/**mailman/listinfo/tutor<http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor>

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